Monday, September 28, 2009

Special Present for My Dad

This was the birthday present I made for my dad...I LOVE IT and wanted to share it with all my loyal readers! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do :0)

Hoping to post some new pics sometime this some cute ones!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

15 lbs. 10 ounces and 25 inches = 4 months

WOW! The last few weeks have been a little cuckoo bananas. Jackson is now 4 1/2 months old and becoming quite the little personality. Sometimes I just have to sit back and think to myself how completely lucky I am to have such an amazing kidlet! He's just so funny and he just amazes me because he can do all these different things now. I feel sometimes like he's developmentally blowing the norm away. So let's talk stats:

First of all, he's about 15 lbs. 10 ounces and is now 25 inches long. That's in the 50th percentile and I'm just glad he's not considered short. It seems so weird to be worried about him being short at 4 months, but I know what it's like to be short and I don't want that for my son. He got his 4 month shots on Monday and did surprisingly well. He whimpered about 5 whimpers and then Justin picked him up and he was all smiles again. The doctor said that he looks perfect and that she's impressed by his strength. In fact, he almost broke the popsicle stick thing she stuck in his mouth trying to get him to open up :0) It was pretty funny. Jackson is sitting up pretty well on his own. He can go for about 10 seconds and then falls forward, but when sitting on our legs, he can sit very well. He's also pulling himself up from a sitting to standing position when he holds my fingers. It's pretty amazing to see. He still hates tummy time, but he's holding his head up so well that I think he's tolerating it better. He's moving his arms and legs more, which causes him to push himself forward a little bit. I swear that he almost crawled today, but not quite. He's getting there...when he's ready, he'll be ready.

As for eating, he's taking a bottle every 4 to 5 hours at about 7 ounces. Sometimes he finishes the 7, sometimes he doesn't. We tried cereal for the 1st time today and the doctor told me to give it to him in a spoon, but I can't tell how well he did. Most of it ended up on his face...a little down his bib. The funny thing was he kept trying to chew on the spoon, but I think he liked it. We didn't get to get much down there b/c he started crying too much b/c he was so hungry. So we put the rest of the cereal in his bottle and he ate it that way. That bottle took about an hour to get down, but least he tried it for the 1st time. We have some video that I want to put on here, but we'll see if I ever find time to do that.

As for sleeping, he's still sleeping through the night. I thought he might've been teething b/c he was super fussy one weekend, but I think now he just had a screwed up schedule last week. I feel so bad we have to wake him up in the morning to feed him before work, but he still sleeps well enough for us that it only hurts for a little while.

He's not teething yet the doctor says, but I feel like it's on its way b/c Jackson is a true drooling machine. The funny thing about him is that he woke up about a week ago and just decided that he would no longer take a binkie. I've tried and tried to get him to take it so he'll nap and he refuses! I guess a baby will let you know for sure when they're ready to quit something :0) I just hope he doesn't decide to stop sleeping in the car or stop sleeping in his stroller...OUCH! Whatever the case, the Gerbers are not looking forward to teething AT ALL! But bring it...I wanna see some teethers.

Hopefully, I'll be able to post some pictures tomorrow! We have a crazy couple of week coming least for me, which means Jackson's schedule will be off and he'll be super crabtastic. I've got a fundraiser next week, book fair the next 2 weeks after that, and then we'll be heading to Ohio for Erica's wedding. Super excited about that, but I will need some prayers that Jackson will cooperate on the flights b/c he sure didn't on his last few flights! Can't wait to see my parents and Dorothy and Erica :0) Then before we know it, it'll be Intersession (easy few weeks of "work") and then Halloween. Halloween will be fantastic this year. I'm hoping to find a pumpkin patch somewhere nearby...and get some great pics! Anyway, hope all is well with you reader and write to ya later!

Friday, September 11, 2009

One year ago today....

September 11th means a lot of things for a lot of people. It's a date that no one will ever forget. My reason for never forgetting this date is for a little bit of a different reason. One year ago today, I found out I was pregnant. My life changed in a matter of seconds on a Sept. 11th. I remember waking up that morning and feeling weird...not like myself, but I went about my day, did my business, and returned home from work feeling even less like myself than that morning. I remember thinking on a whim that I couldn't possibly be pregnant, but I should take a test just to be sure. I also remember sitting on the turlet (as my grandpa calls it) and watching the pee stick go from no lines to two lines in about 1 minute and thinking to myself, "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! THERE IS NO FREAKIN' WAY I'M HAVING A BABY!" My emotions ran the gambit in that moment...from terrified to sadness to excitement to utter joy! I also remember thinking it's kinda weird that on September 11th of all days, I find out I'll be having a baby. My first reactions were to cry hysterically...then I felt the urgance to get to Walmart as soon as possible and buy another test to check. I remember about an hour after the 1st test, I got in the car with my friend Lori and showed her the test and said, "I can't be pregnant can I?" She took to Walmart where I bought my 2nd test and took it right there in the Walmart bathroom where of course it gave all signs for positive! After that test, I tried to figure out a way to tell Justin and I remember being so afraid of how mad he would inevitably be at me. I was terrified, but I bought him a bib that said Daddy's Favorite or something like that and as soon as I got home from Walmart, I started crying hysterically...again...and then I told him. He held me while I apologized about 100 times over and he just told me that everything was going to be alright.

Justin was right. Actually, he was more than right. Never in a million years could I have imagined that I would have a beautiful baby boy that I would love more than anything in the world and that I would love being a mommy as much as I do. One year later, I hold my now 4 month old son and I wonder how I ever lived without him. Thank you Justin for giving me the best, most surprising gift I've ever been given! I love you more everyday baby. It's days like today where I can't help but be extremely grateful for God's big surprises! I have to remember that sometimes he has a different bigger plan than I have for myself and I'm so glad for that :0)

Jackson turned 4 months old today! Happy birthday canoodle bug! Momma and daddy love you big guy. Stay tuned in a few weeks for his new details (height, weight, development, etc.). I'll post pictures tomorrow.