Sunday, October 26, 2008

Nothing was good on tv, so I....

was watching the Tyra Banks show the other night. She had a 15 year-old girl, whose accent could only make her out to be from somewhere in Canada or near Canada. Anyway, this young lady was engaged and trying to get pregnant...trying so hard to get pregnant that she was actually taking drugs to help her have a child. I was so shocked! I wanted to reach through the tv and slap this little girl...thank God Tyra was doing some shaking on this youngin'. I'm not sure what was more disturbing...the fact that she was actively trying to have a baby or the fact that her mother was letting this girl's fiance live in her house and sleep in the same bed. The mom knew they were having sex, but didn't realize how often or that the girl was not on any birth control. This fact led me to wanna smack the mom. WHAT A BUNCH OF MORONS! I couldn't imagine being 15 and a mom...I was so selfish then and so consumed with wanting to just make it through high school, so I could high tail it on out of my hometown. My life would've been dramatically different had I had a child then. This girl said she lost her virginity at 13...I wasn't shocked, but I did think sex really has become no big deal. There is no fear in our teenagers to make them want to prevent pregnancy or STD's or AIDS, etc. At that age, I was terrified to have children or contract a STD. I'm now 27, pregnant, and still a little worried about having a baby. I have no idea whether I'm really ready or not, but I do know that at 15 I was neither ready to be a wife nor a mother. I know I'm going to pray like crazy for this one that she'll get her head out of her gluttimus maximus and realize that at 15, she should worry about finishing school and finding herself.

On the brighter side, I had my first emotional breakdown today. I started bawling b/c Justin was being mean about going to the pumpkin patch with me. He kept complaining about wasting our money and about the time it took to get there, so finally I just started crying as I explained to him that it was a tradition with my mom and I to go to the patch every year. The pumpkin patch is special to me and I miss getting to do it at home. I've been trying not to cry too much b/c it makes me feel more nauseous and silly, but I probably cried today for a good 10 minutes. He really can be a butt when he wants to be....thankfully, it's rare that he is. I love Halloween, but I think I'm too tired to really care yet about it. I can't believe it's already going to be here on Friday.

I also can't believe I'm almost through my first trimester. Luckily, I'm finally starting to feel better. I'm still nauseous all the time, but not as powerfully if that makes sense. Well, I'm off to eat something as per usual. After eating, I've got to start clearing out the baby's room b/c my husband is crazy and wants the room to be cleared out already! 6 more months to go baby....take it easy!


dsutt said...

crazy kids.... it makes me glad that responsible adults like yourself and Justin have kids just to counteract the kid of immature behavior.
Oh, and Justin, if you are reading this: don't you know that pregnant women should get whatever they need?! The chemicals in Angie's blood are being transferred directly to the baby, so if she's upset, the baby's upset. Don't upset the baby! :)
love you both, take care of each other.