Thursday, October 23, 2008

11 weeks and growing

So, here I am...11 weeks preggers. I feel ginormous, but I know I'm not. I think I've only gained 2-3 pounds so far, which isn't bad. It's funny though that I have to wear pregnancy pants b/c nothing else fits! I can't wait until my bump gets bigger.

Now, here's one of our ultrasound pictures. The Bean is 3 cm long and that's pretty big. He's only supposed to be between 2 and 2.5 cm, which is about the size of a sugar packet. He sure does look bigger than a sugar packet though!


Anonymous said...

so how do you know the bean is a he, you keep calling it a he is that wishful thinking or do you just know.

Anonymous said...

you keep calling it a he how do you know the bean is a boy, or is that wishful thinking? love ya Stephanie