Saturday, January 2, 2010

Goodbye 2009 and Happy New Year!

WOW oh wow! What a difference a year makes. 2009 was such a gift, especially the month of May. Not only did Justin and I celebrate our 1 year wedding anniversary, but we also celebrated the birth of our baby man, Jackson. It's truly amazing all the great things that Jackson has brought to our lives. He is but 7 1/2 months old now, but time has really flown by! I would give anything to be able to slow things down with him, but well that's just not possible! Oh well, the last 7 1/2 months of 2009 were the greatest probably of my life and I'm so excited for what 2010 will bring us :0)

I don't believe in resolutions...I'm a list-making kinda girl, so here is Jackson's list of things to do in 2010:
- crawl -- still trying, but we're not making any sort of head way here!
- walk -- he's actually walking now by holding our fingers as he takes's pretty amazing to see and he just started doing this in the last 2 weeks. Awesome!
- eat some new and different foods -- time to start feeding the baby man more than just baby food...time to start exploring bigger people food! Bring on the pizza...Just kidding! Not for a few more months :0)
- start saying some more words -- Jackson says Dada pretty regularly now, but I'm hoping to increase his vocabulary in the year 2010
- Start recognizing the people he's talking to and the words that he's saying with the objects he's looking at -- ya know, calling mom MAMA instead of dadadada or cat a cat
- Grow some teeth -- I think we've got some on the verge, but I really can't tell!
- Grow some more hair -- Hopefully enough to endure his 1st haircut and to cover up the last remnants of the hole of hair on the back of his head
- Meet some more ladies -- Jackson told me to write this one...he LOVES the ladies
- Make some more friends
- Learn how to dance independently -- He knows how to do the booty pop, but I'd like to see him learn some new dances
- Do some more laughing and giggling -- There is nothing better in the world than to hear my little man's laugh. He truly is a really happy baby and we're so blessed to hear his laugh quite frequently

Ok now it's my turn...List of things for me to do in 2010:
1 - Watch exciting things happening to my friends -- My cousin is getting hitched and most of my friends are on baby #2. Very happy for you all :0)
2 - Find out where we're moving to and then move and acclimate to the new place -- This is mostly on my hubby, who will be graduating in May. We'll be leaving Oklahoma and moving on. While the thought of leaving Oklahoma is kinda exciting, I'm a little anxious about leaving the OK behind and having to start over again. I definitely do NOT want to move every few years. I'm also anxious b/c we could end up even further away from home than we had hoped in a place like New Mexico. Oh well...I'm going to put it in God's hands and pray that wherever he sends us will be exactly where we're supposed to be for the time being.
3 - Get a new job -- I will be heartbroken when I have to leave Mark Twain, but b/c we're moving, I'll need a new job...either in the classroom or the library, but I think preferably in the library. Can't afford to stay home with the baby man and I'm not sure my sanity could handle it. Being a stay-at-home mom is a good thing for some people, but I'm not sure anymore if it's a good thing for me. If it happens though, I will feel blessed.
4 - Sell the house and buy a new one -- With today's market, it's a little scary to sell a house, but I have a feeling we won't have a problem. Buying a new house will also be a challenge, especially if we move to New's so expensive out that way. If we go to somewhere like Tennessee or South Carolina, it'll be a little easier to find something.
5 - Get back into the pool and start swimming again -- Time to lose that last 10-15 pounds I gained carrying the bean. I'm going to teach the baby man too.
6 - Meet some new friends -- New place to live means new opportunities to meet some friends
7 - Find some time to be with my hubby -- Having a baby, especially in a place where you don't have many friends to watch the little guy, hasn't been easy on a newly married couple. We've been out together maybe 2 times in the last 7 1/2 months and eventhough we're moving again to a place where we probably won't have any family around again, I want to find a way to for us "reconnect." I'd love to be able to spend some time with my hubby.
8 - Continue to feel more comfortable in my own skin -- I've come a long way in the decade that just ended and I want to continue that journey. I'm not the same person I was a decade ago and I'm grateful for that. This next decade I really want to continue to become stronger and more comfortable in my relationships personally and also professionally.

So there it is...Hope ya'll had a wonderful holiday season! I sure did :0) Happy New Year all. Enjoy your 2010!