Thursday, November 12, 2009

6 Months Old and a Nasty Cold

Yesterday, Jackson turned 6 months old. Instead of celebrating his birth, I was at the doctor's office. Yep, Jackson has his 1st official ear infection and 1st official "nasty cold" according to the pediatrician. Instead of the happy, smiley, giggly little man I know and love, he was replaced with a tired, irritable, and whiney little guy :0( It was horrible seeing my son so miserable and scary too! All I wanted to do for the last 2 days was cry b/c I couldn't just fix it. I've felt like a horrible mom b/c I wondered what I did or didn't do that made him so sick. Should I have stayed home more last week instead of making excuses to get out of the house? Should I have fed him more or less? Should I have held him more or less? Should I have picked him up more or less? But when I wanted to cry, I reminded myself I needed to be strong b/c the more upset I was, the worse off he would be :0( So I tried to keep his fever down as best I could before I could get him to the doctor. I was hoping he wasn't sick, but last Friday he developed a runny nose and a cough. I chalked it up to allergies b/c he has them pretty bad, but Monday he came home with a pretty high fever and I just knew that something was wrong. So yesterday on his 6 month old birthday, we went to the doctor's office and I was just worried sick it was the swine flu. Luckily, it wasn't...just an ear infection and a nasty cold. He was so lethargic and whiney yesterday....didn't want to play or eat or do anything...he slept most of the day and I was terrified that he wouldn't sleep at all last night, but he did. He slept like a rock in fact and he slept until 8:30am and he could've slept longer if I hadn't woken him up! Thank God for small prayers :0) So today he's feeling a lot better. He's still coughing and has a little bit of a runny nose, but he's been hopping and playing and as smiley as he ever was. His fever has also broken, so I think we'll be going back to school tomorrow! I'm so glad it wasn't worse...

Now, I just need to get me well and all will be back to normal again! Jackson coughing in my face for almost a week has gotten me all sick and yucky :0( Oh well...can't last long! I'll post some new pictures of the cuteness soon...gotta take our 6 month pics!