Well, we're coming up on week 25 and the excitement to meet our little man is about to boil over, eventhough we have a long way to go. He's growing really fast and has some very strong legs. He's the most active at night and early morning. He still doesn't like to get up early and while I would love to say that I'm feeling 100%...that would be a lie. I'm nauseous all the time and still have to take my meds, but I'm able to stay awake more and I don't get as tired as I used to be. Yes...I have fully reached planet-sized status. I'm throwing around a few new names for my ginormous and ever-expanding belly, but nothing is stuck in stone yet. As for names for the bean, I think (I say this loosely) that Justin and I have agreed on Jackson. It's the middle name we're having trouble with. We like Jackson Felix (after his grandpa) and Jackson August (after my papa), but we have lots of time and nothiing has been decided on yet. Who knows...Justin will probably change his mind about Jackson :0) The boy's name is kinda all on him b/c if we have a girl someday, I've already picked out a name for her after my great-grandma (we've gotta have at least one little lady!). The baby's room is coming along. It's painted and we bought the crib and dresser set. Justin and my dad are going to put it together when my dad visits in early March. I can't wait to start piecing together the rest!
Right now, my greatest worry is maternity leave. I just found out I do NOT get 6 weeks paid as I thought I did and I have to use my sick days. Unfortunately due to my lovely early pregnancy yucky feelings, I only have 7 days left! I'm hoping that I'll be able to beg and plead for people to donate their own sick days to me. I'm willing to do just about anything to get 'em. We can't really afford for me not to get paid for 6 weeks b/c I'm the bread winner right now. I really wish someone would've told me that we could only use our sick days b/c I would've been there the other 8 days I missed, no matter how sick I was. I would've just puked up and down the highway even more than I already did just to make sure I would've been there to keep my sick days. Pray that we'll get some sick days donated to us.
Everything else is going really well though. I'm so glad that we're past the halfway mark and I'm so anxious to meet our little bean. It's amazingly cute to see how attached Justin already is to the little man. The look in his eyes when we talk about him just makes me fall in love with Justin all over again. He rubs my belly and my feet (don't tell anyone). He makes sure I'm eating right and getting enough sleep. Sometimes, he'll put his head on my belly and listen to the sounds going on in there. I'm so glad that he was finally able to feel him kick a few weeks ago...I was worried it would never happen). I can tell he's already really proud of our son! I was really scared at first about telling Justin about the pregnancy, but I think that he's extremely excited and that he can't wait to be a dad. I love that the bean has made us 10 times closer than we already were. I've never been more in love with him...however cheesy and school girl squealy that makes me sound. He truly is the best thing that's ever happened to me (at least for another few months :0). Love you baby daddy!
PS - Here are some ultrasound pictures I promised you thousand of years ago (sorry my pea-sized brain forgot and then got too busy to do it)!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name Jackson! Will he be Jack for short? Love it love it love it! I can't wait to meet him! You and Justin are going to be amazing parents! I can't wait to see his room either! And my vote on the middle name is.... I like both!
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