Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Justin Gets His Wish

Today was probably the coolest day in my life or I should rather say in Justin and I's lives. Today we found out we are having a baby BOY. We actually found out a day earlier due to an ice day I got to have and b/c the doctor's office could fit us in. We got up so excited and raced as fast as we could to the appointment. The ultrasound was AMAZING! Probably the neatest thing I've ever experienced b/c we find got to really see some actual body parts instead of just blobs. We obviously also found out we're having a boy and to see Justin's face light up just made me so happy. I think we were both really close to tears (I may have made more than he did, but hey...who's counting!). Our son has all his bits and pieces and is pretty big for me only being 19 weeks. The ultrasound lady said he's about 1/2 ounce bigger than he should be and about 1/2 cm longer than he should be. I'm just glad all his organs are developing and that he's moving. We got a DVD of the event and we got to see him wave at us and pick his nose (hey, he doesn't know what he's doing yet! Give him a break!). We also got to see his long legs and arms and his little "tinkler" as my grandma calls it. I just wanted to talk to him and hold him and give him hugs and kisses. It was awesome!

I have to admit...I kinda hoped for a girl, but I'm pretty psyched about a boy. I think about all the things I could teach him and all the things Justin will teach him and I'm just glad that's he's healthy so far! I think I will make a list of all these things to remind myself of the neat mommy things I will want to remember to do while I am wading through dirty diapers and listening to a crying baby. It became all the more real today that in a short 4 1/2 months I will become a mother and will spend the rest of my life taking care of our little boy. Amazing...just amazing!

So... I tried about 10 times to post the video from the ultrasound, but it's not quite working for me...grrr! If you want to see it, just email me and I'll send you the video. I will post the ultrasound pics, but I'm pretty tired right now. Off to bed I think for me! Back to school tomorrow...probably!

Check back soon for more belly pics. I think I'm due for another here pretty soon as my belly is getting big quick :0)