Friday, November 14, 2008

Whatcha think about this baby's room?

We are thinking about this theme for our baby's room. Whatcha think? We're going to paint the baby's room green and I think this will work for both a boy and a girl, but I'm a tomboy, so I'm not sure. All you girlie girls out there...will this be ok enough for a girl? Anyway, let me know what you think!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We've Got a Heartbeat People

Today was our 2nd prenatal appointment and Justin and I got to hear the heartbeat. It was an incredible sound. I couldn't believe how fast the little bean's heartbeat is....almost 160 beats per minute. I almost cried like a baby AGAIN b/c of the little lubdubs his/her heart made. The doctor said that by our next appointment we'll be able to tell if the baby is a boy or girl. Justin swears up and down it'll be a boy and he always calls the bean a boy. He's pretty funny about it! As for me, I just kinda hope the bean is healthy and happy when he or she pops out. I think they'll both be pretty tough, but I think a girl would be fun. I also think that Justin would love having a daddy's girl in our house. He already says that I am only his favorite person in the world for another 6 months and then I get traded in for the younger, cuter version :0)

Anyway, to have a little fun and find out what you think we'll be having, follow this link:
Click Here to take survey

If you have any trouble, just please let me know! Thanks everyone and I'll be posting picks of my newer, bigger belly soon. 14 weeks down...lots more to go!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Weighing in on politics

Sooooo....election is over...YAY! Hopefully, t.v. will go back to normal now. I woke up this morning and was hopeful that the response to Obama winning would be more positive. I'm sure there are a lot of people who are excited (me included), but I went to Facebook this morning and was a little scared of all the negative comments from non-Obama voters. I'm not saying that negative comments should not be made...I'm a firm believer in everyone's opinion counts, but I also believe that there is nothing now that we can do to change the outcome. I also believe that whether John McCain or Obama or Nader had won that America would be better off than we have been for the last 8 years under the direction of the extremely incompetent Bush. People are scared...I get that. Change is always scary, but do we really need to continue the mudslinging? I ask for faith now that things will get better. People say things won't change, but I honestly have faith that they will...maybe not in the ways you want, but they've got to get better than they are now! Let's think about the positives shall we: 1) Not Bush....2) well-spoken....3) passionate and determined. There's more, but I don't want to go into another long speech. I think it's amazing that history was made yesterday in many ways: 1) 1st African-American President...2) the possibility of a woman Vice President...and 3) record-breaking voter turnout. #3 alone is worth being happy for. It's about time Americans stood up and took a stand, whether I agree with it or not! Whether we like it or not, things will change. I have faith that Obama will do the job he's been hired to do and that he'll do it well. Hopefully, people will fall in line and support a united America...instead of holding on to the bitterness they feel now.

Now for something more scary than Obama winning the presidency shall we?
Oklahoma Representative Sally Kern has been reelected for another term. Watch this and tell me this is a someone we want representing American values in our democracy:
HOW SCARY IS THAT!?!? While Oklahoma is behind on the times for a lot of things, I am ashamed to say I live in a state that would want this woman and her hate to represent my voice. This is just the 2nd instance in the last few weeks that have made me ashamed to live in this state. The first happened when I was driving home a few weeks ago and I looked on an overpass and saw the words "White Power" painted there in big bold letters. No one bothered to clear it off for almost 2 weeks. It pains me to think that people around me still feel that way.

With these things said, Oklahoma is NOT a bad place to live. The people I count as my friends and people I'm proud to know that are native Oklahomans are WONDERFUL people...nicer than you could possibly imagine. I am extremely grateful for the opportunities I've been given since I've moved here, but I have learned more in the last 2 1/2 years since we've lived here about discrimination and hate than I have in my other 27 years of existence. I realize there is hate everywhere in the matter where I go, I'll meet it. I just hope that whereever Justin and I and the bean end up, we can teach our bean the difference between hate and respect, right and wrong, and the freedom of speech. I have to believe I will do better parenting than the most of the parents at the school I teach in and better parenting than those who still believe in those words on the overpass.

So, I leave you with this cartoon b/c I thought it was funny and this last thought: Have faith people...America has survived MUCH worse!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

10 Truths about Pregnancy

Here's a list of 10 things I've learned so far about pregnancy...some sad, some gross, and some really funny...ENJOY! (PS - These are not in any particular order)

WARNING: Some of the following may be gross, so please read at your own discretion :o)

10 - Let's talk eating...YES A PREGNANT WOMAN IS HUNGRY ALL THE TIME. Do NOT try to steal even a mini-bite of her food b/c if you do, you will risk losing a finger, arm, or any other dangly body part within reach. Do NOT try to argue with her over whether or not she should actually be eating that non-healthy food...just give her the DANG food. Oh yeah, and if she says she looks fat, just say, "Oh are the most beautiful woman in the world." That is the only statement that makes her feel me!
9 - Cravings...yes they happen. It is okay to indulge in them within reason. Even if they're strange or weird or something you would not normally eat, go for it! Apparently, the baby you are growing WANTS that ice cream with pickles or grilled cheese with popcorn in the middle. I know strange, but follow the old Nike saying and just do it. Oh yeah and cravings happen at all times of the day. For example, I woke up this morning and started immediately wanting a grilled cheese sandwich (which by the way is one of the only things that I can keep down on a consistent basis). No grilled cheese is not a breakfast food, but yes a pregnant woman needs her grilled cheese for breakfast :0)
8 - Morning sickness does not least not for me. It should be called "all day nauseous/pukey feeling." That's a better more technical term I feel. Getting sick A LOT is miserable and it makes you question whether having the baby is really a good idea or not. The last 2 days for me were horrible and I could've sworn that the feeling I got when I first found I was pregnant was coming back. I couldn't do a whole lot of moving b/c every time I got up, I got sick. It was gross and disgusting and not much fun at all. You are LUCKY if you didn't get pukey sick all the time, but that doesn't mean you have to rub it in. I'm happy that you had the perfect pregnancy and your labor was wonderful, but please don't remind me of what I could've had. I would love a pat on the back and for you to say, "Hang in'll be over with soon!" I hate to say it, but with my crazy hormones, I would probably punch you in the face if you just so happened to mention the fact that your pregnancy was like a magical fairytale land.
7 - #8 leads me to the wonders of medication...ZOFRAN IS THE BOMB! At first, I tried to tough it off, but I couldn't function AT ALL. They gave me this medication I could rub on my wrists, which works for most women, but of course not me. So, then I had to call, beg, and plead for mercy from my doctor to give me something stronger. Thank God for the miracle drug Zofran. It is fantastical and while it doesn't take away the constant nauseous feeling, it does cure my pukey problem. I can function b/c of this little friend. It's expensive and I'm hoping I won't have to take it much longer, but well let's just pray for that!
6 - Exhaustion...being pregnant gives new meaning to exhaustion. When I do go to sleep, it's great b/c I feel like I'm in a coma and the only thing that could wake me is someone beating me with a baseball bat. Oh yeah and don't take away my naps PLEASE! They are a necessary evil. I can't help it if I need at least 1 a day right around 2 or 3pm. I'm going to take full advantage while I can b/c in about 6 months sleep will be a thing of the past!
5 - TLC's Baby Story is the DEVIL. Everytime I watch that show, I get a new fear concerning birth and delivery. I have to stop watching this show, but it's like seeing something extremely unusual for the first want to look away, but you just can't. I will turn the channel and then keep coming back to it b/c I can't turn away. It's horrible b/c watching someone give birth gives me the heeby jeebies like no other. I guess I don't know why they can't just knock me out and do a c-section when it's time. I realize it's just not that easy, but I sure wish it could be. On the other hand, Bringing Home Baby is probably my new favorite show to watch during the day...much easier on this worry-warts heart!
4 - A free boob job really is a perk of getting preggers. I will keep this brief, but I can't believe the exponential growth in the last 13 weeks in that area. It's amazing!
3 - Being pregnant is really freakin' expensive. Ok people...this is just the precursor to actually having to buy food, diapers, etc. but I can't believe how much money I've spent already. The cost of my wonder pill alone could put me in the poor house! And let's face it, I haven't even begun to spend money yet....just wait my friends until I start going crazy on clothes, toys, books, and baby room stuff. Justin will probably have a heart attack when we start adding everything together. Oy!
2 - Pregnant women do NOT walk...we waddle. At least I do....already! It's funny to watch. I thought it was pretty funny to watch me run, but just watching me walk is enough to make me giggle nowadays. Oh yeah and forget about get pregnant and your need to get somewhere on time disappears. I can't do anything fast anymore and I'm ok with that. It's helped me to slow down and think about something other than putting my job first. I'm glad for that!
1 - Puking in front of a police officer while pregnant DOES get you out of a ticket. A few weeks ago, I got pulled over on my way to work. I was completely guilty and speeding by 4 mphs, which seemed silly to pull me over for in the first place, but I digress. I felt sick on the way to work, but I wanted to wait to stop. When the cop pulled me over, I couldn't hold it in anymore. As soon as I gave him my license and insurance, I had to ask him to step back from my car door. He asked why and I said, "If you don't move officer, I'm going to get sick on your shoes." and then I pushed him out of the way with my door and got sick on the side of the highway (nothing new there). When I was finished, he said, "Well, you're either really drunk or really pregnant." I just said really pregnant and then he let me off the hook. Phew! Another trouble diverted by getting sick in the morning :0)

Being pregnant certainly does have its ups and downs. There are times when I don't think I can do this, but then I look at my belly and I can see the baby's heart beating through my belly and it's amazing! That makes it all worth while...I just need to be reminded of that every once again due to the extreme hormone rages and fits of sadness. Hope you enjoyed my lastest rumblings....stay tuned for the baby's sex in a few weeks!